Thank you for all your support and kind words. I did say if my books touched on person then it was all worth it.. You have all been so kind and awasome. I am back from nursing my dad back from the dead and nursing sweet grampa Davee too. So look for new and up coming book signings. I will post as soon as I know the release date of the next two books...

To All My Wonderful Friends

For those of you who do not see your picture on my Bogg. It takes a very long time to put each pic up. So just wait and see soon you too will be among those friends pics.. Thank you for your understanding...

Coles Book Store

Coles Book Store
Great Book Signing

My First Book Signing

My First Book Signing
Thank you Gospel Text Book Store

New Book Coming Soon

New Book Coming Soon
My Dear Child, I Have Gone To Heaven Let's Talk


Monday, November 28, 2011

Peactrum...COMING SOON

Hello everyone so excited to be sharing my new book with you. Peactrum is going to be out very soon.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Ian's Bad Choices Turned His Life Around

My new book is at the production stage. The new illustrations have been sent and I am awaiting the proffs. This is exciting news. Can't wait to to share it with everyone...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Can't wait for you you to join me for my up coming book signings for summer 2011

Word from my publisher today telling me my new book is in production and will be out this summer. Can't wait to see Ian's Bad Choices Turned His Life Around on the shelf...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

May 1st Book Signing

Come and join me at Coles Bookstore in the Chatham Downtown Mall on Saturday, May 1st from 12pm-2pm.